Voyage à Norwich du 12 au 16 avril 2016.
Extrait du programme :
- Arrêt à Greenwich à l’aller pour visiter l’Observatoire Royal, la Musée de la Marine … etc.
- Une excursion dans le Norfolk
- Une journée libre à Norwich
- … etc.
On peut encore s’inscrire !
From Norwich, Grande Bretagne.
We are a large chess club on the outskirts of Norwich, many years ago we arranged a chess exchange trip with a chess club from Rouen. Are you aware of any chess clubs today that would be interested in forming friendly links with our club.
Thank you
Broadland Chess Club
Hi, I don’t know because i don’t know a lot about chess but you can write a friend of mine who is both an English teacher and a chess player. Here is his email address.
I will let him know that you are going to write
oops, sent my email too quickly: best regards Nathalie. tell Nicolas that it is Nathalie LeGendre who gave you his email address.