Nous sommes confinés mais pouvons nous échapper dans ces merveilleux jardins anglais le temps d’une heure ou d’une journée. Les propositions sont variées et vous pourrez faire votre choix avant de pouvoir les visiter dès que le moment sera venu. Vous pourrez alors profiter des splendides couleurs, harmonies et de vous enivrer de tous ces parfums.
Pour rappel Squid est le groupe que le festival This is England avait invité pour l’édition 2018. c’était alors leur premier concert hors de Grande Bretagne!!
Voici ce que la BBC en dit: «
Style: In their own words: “The Coronation Street theme tune played on flutes by angry children” Sleeve notes: The Brighton band’s opus, the seven minutes of sick funk called The Cleaner, comes on like a collision between The B-52s and The Fall – a group aiming to be the next Coldplay this is not. The spirit of Postcard Records luminaries such as Orange Juice and Josef K can also be heard amidst the angsty, nervous twitch of their music. Critics say: “Their unconventional nature is their most appealing asset. There’s no established frontman, no three-minute pop songs, and yet somehow they made the BBC6 A-List with a track about houseplants.” (DIY Magazine) They say: “We are the first generation that’s been brought up with the internet in developing periods of our lives. It means that genre is much less definable, it’s not about living in the same city, it’s having something else that draws you together.” Song to start with:The Cleaner Follow on: @squidbanduk