Let’s talk


We came on Friday, October 10 to Chantal’s home for a new « Let’s Talk ».We were five : Gisèle,Yvette,Monique, Myriam and myself, Françoise. First,Yvette talked about the novelist Margaret Atwood. She summed up her last book « Hagseed ». It was very interesting.

We talked also about Woody Allen’s film « A Rainy Day in New York ». We all agreed it’s  one of his best films.We remembered some of his other movies and discussed about our favourite.

After a break with tea and a home-made chocolate, we inevitably talked about the huge fire at the chemical plant Lubrizol. We saw pictures and discussed, asking ourselves some questions.

For the next conversation, we have decided that we will speak about the film « Dowtown  Abbey ». We all want to see the film and we will attend the next « Let’s Talk » with pleasure.

Friendly yours ».

Françoise H.

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